2015-2017 Chicago Chapter NAHSE Treasurer
The deadline for accepting nominations is 3:00 pm Friday November 14th, 2014.
Elections via the website will begin Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 through Tuesday, November 25nd, 2014 at 3:00 pm.
Results of the election will be posted on the website in December.
Elections via the website will begin Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 through Tuesday, November 25nd, 2014 at 3:00 pm.
Results of the election will be posted on the website in December.
![]() The Chicago NAHSE Election Committee requests that you, the members of the NAHSE, participate in the election process for 2015 Treasurer.
As in prior years, we are asking our membership to volunteer or suggest individuals who should be considered for this vital position. Process of nomination stated below: To nominate yourself, please contact Steven Wilson stating that you wish to nominate yourself. To nominate a colleague, you must first get approval of the person you are nominating. Once you have obtained the nominee’s approval, contact Steven stating your desire to nominate said colleague. If nominated, a biography will be needed for Election. Please send your biography to Steven Wilson at [email protected]. Any question or concerns regarding nominations can be directed to either Steven Wilson at the email above or via phone: 630.487.6831. The current board members that will be reflected on the ballot are as follows: • Dawn Gay - currently serving her first term • Dwayne Mitchell - currently serving his first term • Diane Howard – currently serving her first term • Howard Robinson - currently serving his first term • Keisha Hankerson - currently serving her second term • Jonathan Dopkeen - currently serving his first term (will be resigning from his term) • Knitasha Washington - (Immediate Past President) currently serving her first term A Call for Nominations is being announced at this time to fill the sooon to be vacated board positon by Jonathan Dopkeen. We encourage you to make a recommendation for this board position. The Election Committee will begin accepting nominations immediately and will end on November 14th, 2014 at 3:00 pm Central Time. Thank you for your continued interest. Chicago NAHSE Board of Directors |